Juráňová Jana

She studied Russian and Polish language at the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava. She worked as a dramaturg in the Theatre for Children and the Young in Trnava, a deputy editor-in-chief of Slovenské Pohľady magazine, Radio Free Europe commentator and studied at the Institute of Slovak Literature at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. In 1993 she co-founded Aspekt, a feminist project ASPEKT in which she has worked since. She is the author of several prose books (Zverinec (A Menagerie), 1994; Siete (Nets), 1996; Utrpenie starého kocúra (The Ordeal of the Old Tomcat), 2000; Orodovnice, 2006; Žila som s Hviezdoslavom (I Lived with Hviezdoslav), 2008, Lásky nebeské (Loves Actually), 2010 – the last three were nomitated for Anasoft Litera Award). She is a co-writer of Mojich 7 životov. Agneša Kalinová v rozhovore s Janou Juráňovou (My 7 lives. Agneša Kalinová interviewed by Jana Juráňová, 2011). She also writes for children (Iba baba (Only a Chick), 1999; Bubliny (Bubbles), 2002; Babeta ide do sveta (Babeta Goes to See the World), 2003 and Ježibaby z Novej Baby (Witches from Nová Baba), 2005). She writes for magazines and translates from Russian and English. She is the author of a number of theatre and radio plays. At present she lives in Bratislava and works as a writer, translator and editor.
theatre plays