Bodnárová Jana

She studied art theory and history at the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava. After graduating she worked as a historical preservationist. She published books of prose for children and adults (Dievčatko z veže (The Girl from the Tower),1999; Tiene papradia (Shadows of Ferns), 2002; Insomnia 2005; Takmer neviditeľná (Almost Invisible), 2008) and poetry collections (ŠE-POTY) (WHIS-PERS), 1995; Blíženci (Gemini), 2000). She wrote radio plays and scripts for two television films. Sporadically, she makes video performances as some kind of visual poetry. Some of her short stories have been translated into several European languages and the Hindu language. Her book of prose bleskosvetlo/bleskotma (flashlight/flashdarkness) was published in Poland in 1997. Currently she lives in Košice and works as a freelance writer, publisher and art historian.
theatre plays