Čahojová-Bernátová Božena

She graduated from the Theatre Faculty at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava. She worked for Czechoslovak Television in Košice, Slovak Literary Foundation and the National Theatre Centre in Bratislava. Currently she works as a lecturer at the Theatre Faculty of the VŠMU and at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. She focused on the research of works of Slovak Romantic playwrights, she specializes in the theory of drama and theatre and leads seminars in playwriting. Her studies and articles, focusing on drama and theatre of the age of modernism and post-modernism, have been published in various specialized magazines and anthologies. She concentrates on literary, dramatic and radio writing – she is the author of many radio plays (Samotárka (A Solitary Woman),1981; Návrat (The Return), 1983; Zabudnuté cesty (Forgotten Paths), 1985; Stopy do tmy (Traces in the Dark), 2006; Zimné pastorále (Winter Stories), 2007), radio stories for children (Veterná Rozprávka (A Windy Story), 1989; O rieke, čo z brehov vystúpila (The River that Burst its Banks), 1992; O zime, čo chcela trvať večne (The Winter that Wanted to Last Forever), 1997; O slnečnej dievčine a mesačnom mládencovi, (The Sun Girl and the Moon Boy), 2013, short stories and a specialized monograph Slovenská dráma a divadlo v zrkadlách moderny a postmoderny (Slovak Drama and Theatre in the Mirrors of Modernism and Post-modernism) (2002), Pútnici a tuláci v umení 20.storočia (The Wanderers and Vagrants in the Arts of the 20th Century) (2009). She wrote a book for children entitled Cesta za malým princom (A Journey for the Little Prince) (2009). A selection of seven of her dramatic texts, published as Hodina pre tiene (The Hour for Shadows) (1999), was in 2000 awarded prize money from the Literary Foundation for drama. Another nine plays were published by the VŠMU as Posledná stanica (The Final Station) in 2013. The Slovak Radio prepared a programme The Theatrological Vocabulary, Božena Čahojová is the author of ten parts.
theatre plays