Lasica Milan

Lasica studied dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava. His co-operation with Július Satinský (*1941–†2002) started during his studies when presenting their
authorial dialogues in Bratislava´s Tatra Revue. In 1964–1967 he worked as a dramaturg in the Czechoslovak
Television and in 1967–1970 he acted at the Na Korze Theatre which was at that time the most important generation theatre in Slovakia. From 1970 he was not allowed to work in Slovakia by the normalization
authority, and therefore he and Satinský performed at the Večerní Brno Cabaret
in the Czech Republic, later their performances were forbidden at all. In 1972–
1978 he worked as an actor at the Operetta of the Nová scéna Theatre in Bratislava
and in1978 he became a member of the Drama Ensemble of the same theatre. Later,
in 1982, he started with guest performances together with Satinský at the newly founded Studio S, and in 1989, after leaving the Nová scéna, he became the managing director and partial owner of the Studio S (in 1999 the theatre became a private theatre and changed its name into today’s L+S Studio). As a writer and actor he performed mainly in theatre performances with Július Satinský. Their work was met with a huge interest by the audience – their texts were based on the theatre of the absurd. With sceptical humour they analysed Slovak national mentality a described sad and funny sides of human nature as well as the character of the whole society. The dramatic texts of Lasica and Satinský were published as collections of dramatic sketches, short stories and songs.
Lasica´s independent work includes lyrics (Bolo nás jedenásť (There Were
Eleven of Us), 1985; Piesne o ničom (Songs about Nothing), 1989; Piesne a iné texty (Songs and other Texts), 2003; Slávne texty slávnych piesní (Famous Lyrics of Famous Songs), 2008), short stories,
essays, dramatizations and columns which were in 2003 – 2009 published in a book entitled Spoza dverí (From Behind the Door) and Bodka I, Bodka II (Fullstop I, Fullstop II). His life and artistic work are captured in the book named Lenže ja som iba komik…, (I am But a Comedian…) (2005) in which he uncovers his
artistic career through dialogues with writer Ján Štrasser. In 2008, together with visual artist Marek Ormandík he published book entitled Milanchólia. He works as an actor, lyric writer, playwright, director, singer, translator and master of ceremonies.
theatre plays