Lavrík Silvester

In 1987 Lavrík graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy at Pavol Jozef Šafárik
University (UPJŠ) in Prešov where he studied Slovak language and literature -
Visual arts education, and in 2000 he studied at the Faculty of Drama and
Puppetry at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava,
where he majored in theatre directing. As a teacher he worked in several
schools in Bánovce nad Bebravou, for two years he worked in an advertising
company as a copywriter and a creative director He led a theatrical seminar
at the Drama Education Department of Matej Bel University (UMB) in Banská
Bystrica. He worked for Slovak Radio as a director for drama, and in 2000–2003 he worked as
the artistic director of the Town Theatre in Zlín in the Czech Republic. As a guest
director he has co-operated with many repertoire theatres in Slovakia and the
Czech Republic. During his teaching years he founded a number of amateur
theatre companies (Vychuchol, BáPoDi, Čierny Peter, Anofeles, Ami, Divadelný
krúžok veselých pedagógov, Polienko, Jakub, Damian), initiated cultural festivals
(Piemenie, festival živej kultúry (The Piemenie Festival of Living Culture1992;
Dvenedele.sk – a festival of original Slovak culture, 2005) and the literary contest Jesenský
(2004). He is the author of radio plays (Silencio 1999; Sota, 2001) and TV texts (Oči
pre plač (Eyes for Crying), 2003) as well as lyrics and stories for children. He has
published books of short stories (Allegro Barbaro, 2002; Zlodeji (Thieves), 2005; Perokresba (Pen-Drawing), 2006 – nominated for the Anasoft Littera Prize 2007). His dramatic texts were published under the name Hry (Plays) (2007, Bratislava Theatre Institute) and the collection contains five most successful Lavrík´s plays (Katarína; The Last Summer Day; Shrivel, My Love; Elisabeth Bathory and The Quiet House), including the foreword by J. A. Pitínsky. His play Katarína was translated into French (Catherine, 2008, Théâtrales, Montreuil-sous-Bois)and play Shrivel, My Love was translated into Russian (2009, Uvadšij sad ľjubvi, Peterburg).
He organizes cultural events, directs art projects, co-operates with amateur theatres (he
is a co-founder of the Association of Non-Professional Theatre (1999) and a supervisor
of the Fabula Rasa 2005 project which is focused on young Slovak playwrights),
writes for several newspapers and magazines. He received many prestigious
theatre awards and lectured at various theatrical workshops and studio
theatres. He writes theatre plays, adaptations and dramatizations of classical literary texts. He
tends to make an authorial type of theatre influenced by the phenomenon of
“small stage forms”, and directs dramas with their staging tradition in his own distinctive way.
In 2005- 2009 he worked as editor-in-chief of the Devín Station of Slovak Radio in Bratislava. At present he works as a co-ordinator of new projects of Slovak Radio. He also works as a theatre and radio director, stage and costume designer, visual artist, dramaturg, translator from English and Polish, lecturer and publicist.
theatre plays