Satinský Július
(*1941 - †2002)

Studied dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (VŠMU). From 1959 he and Milan Lasica (*1940) performed their authorial dialogues as a couple. In 1964 – 1967 he worked as a dramaturg in the Czechoslovak Television, and in the late 1960s he worked at the Na Korze Theatre. After being forbidden to work in Slovakia, they worked for two years in the cabaret theatre Večerní Brno in the Czech Republic (1970 - 1972) but after 1972 the ban reached them even here. In 1972 – 1978 he worked as an actor of the Operetta of the Nová scéna Theatre in Bratislava, from 1978 he became a member of its dramatic ensemble. When at the Nová scéna, he worked on many successful comedies, the most famous of them being the musical Plné vrecká peňazí (Pockets Stuffed with Money) (1975). In 1982 he and Milan Lasica started to work at the newly established Studio S. Here he returned to the authorial theatre and presented himself as an actor and author. Among acting in theatre, film, television and radio he became writer of prosaic works (Clapci z Dunajskej ulice (The Boys from the Dunajská Street), 2002; Polstoročie s Bratislavou (Half a Century with Bratislava), 2002), works for children (Rozprávky uja Klobásu (Uncle Sausage´s Stories), 1996) and various publications (Moji milí Slováci (My Beloved Slovaks), 1991; Šľak ma ide trafiť (It Makes me Crazy), 1997; Čučoriedkareň, 2002; Čučoriedkareň 2, 2003). He is a holder of many decorations and awards – in 2002 the Slovak President decorated him with a badge of honour - Pribina´s Cross of the 1st Class for his all-life contribution to the development of Slovak art and for his support of the civic society. In 2003 Czech president Vaclav Havel decorated him posthumously with the 1st Rank Medal of Credit for excellent artistic achievements. He died on 29 December 2002 in Bratislava.
theatre plays