Solovič Ján

He graduated from the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava where he studied dramaturgy. In 1957 – 1963 he worked as a dramaturg and in 1963 he became artistic director in Czechoslovak Radio in Slovakia where he worked until 1971. Later, he occupied the position of a leading secretary (1971 - 1983) and president (1984 - 1989) of the Slovak Writers Association. From 1978 he worked as a lecturer of television and film dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. He is the author of several radio plays (Torunský génius (A Genius from Torun), 1953; Prešporská predohra (Prelude from Pressburg), 1957; Ruky pre Luciu (Hands for Lucia), 1962; Rekomando, 1968) and TV plays (Kde leží naša bieda (Where our Poverty Lies), 1965; Zhasnuté slnko (The Sun Died Down), 1967), he also wrote the script for the popular TV serial Straty a nálezy (Lost&Found) (1975), book for children Výlet nad oblaky (The Excursion above Clouds)(1964) as well as the autobiographically stylized publication Moje radosti (My Pleasures)(2007) where he reflects his fifty years long co-operation with amateur theatres
theatre plays