Uhlár graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava where he studied theatre directing. From 1974 he worked as a director in the Theatre for Children and the Young in Trnava, in 1988–1991 in the Ukrainian National Theatre in Prešov (later renamed as the Alexander Duchnovič Theatre) and in 1987–1994 he co-operated with the Disk Amateur Theatre of which he was an artistic director. In 1991 he and Miloš Karásek founded the non-state and independent fringe-oriented Stoka Theatre and he became its director. He started to develop his dramatic programme and artistic vision firstly in the Disk Theatre, where he applied the principles of authorial theatre and also pursued a new direction in artistic expression in Slovak theatre -“ a polythematic decomposition”. His dramatic programme is clearly formulated and presented also in two theatrical manifestoes (I. a II. slovenský divadelný manifest) (Slovak Theatrical Manifest I and II; with Miloš Karásek as the co-author) (1988), in which he explains the principle of a decomposed authorial piece and the principles of new aesthetics of dramatic production (polythematic, non-determination, motive diffusiveness). He verified and applied the functioning of these principles at the Stoka Theatre where he supported postulated elements in theatrical making – minimizing the role of the director in favour of a collective work, the additive way of building up the work from randomly selected and arranged situations, a refusal of the traditional story structures, fragmentary and polysemantic character of productions, stylised non-verbal plays and an activation of the audience. Productions of the Stoka Theatre are created exclusively by the method of collective creating, and they offer a number of abstract expressions, and the audience is encouraged to choose how they will decode the play. The Stoka participated in many international theatre festivals and received many prizes (Krakow, New York, Jerusalem, Erfurt, Cividale, etc…)  

Photo: Ctibor Bachratý