Grusková Anna

She studied theatre and film theory at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in Prague. Her doctoral studies took place at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) in Bratislava. She worked as a lecturer at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava, then she worked in the Bratislava Theatre Institute and as editor-in-chief of Medzičasopis magazine and kød magazine. In 2001 she spent three months in India where, among other activities, she staged a traditional story The Happy Man. After her return she started focusing on art – theatre and television dramaturgy, acting, directing, writing radio and theatre plays, prose, poetry as well as translating. She staged productions with mentally challenged actors, homeless people and social workers, she co-operates with professional theatres in Slovakia and abroad. She is the author of the book Milý pornograf (Lieber Pornograph) (1999) in which she depicts the Fin de Siècle Vienna and the life and work of Arthur Schnitzler. She is the editor of the international anthology
Dramatika viedenskej (vídeňské) moderny (Drama of the Viennese Modernism) (1999), catalogue
Mať chuť učiť sa a učiť scénografiu (Enjoying the Learning and Teaching Stage Design) (2001) and other publications dealing with contemporary drama. For Slovak Radio she wrote a play about Gustav Klimt named Turecká chuť na ženy (A Turkish Fancy for Women) (1996), an Indian fairytale travel book Pančatantra (Panchatantra) (2002) and she also adapted the “Indian Bible”
Mahábhárata (2004). In 2008 in Vienna she participated in the project Donaudrama the aim of which was to create a play by authors from the Danube region countries. She is a co-author and dramaturg of the project entitled Sarcophaguses and Cashpoints or the Key Slovak Drama, executed by the Bratislava Theatre Institute with an intention to create theatre plays reflecting the life in Slovakia before and after the Velvet Revolution. At present she works as a playwright, dramaturg, screenwriter, theatre scientist and theatre and film director. Among others she directed the documentaries Rabínka (The Woman Rabbi), 2012 and Návrat do horiaceho domu (Return to the Burning House), 2014.
theatre plays