Karásek Miloš

He graduated from the Institute of Architecture in Moscow with
a project dealing with an experimental theatrical space. In 1984–1985 he worked
as an architect f or he projection of the new SND building, in 1985–1990 as a
stage designer in the Ukrainian National Theatre in Prešov, and in 1990–1991
he acted as a state representative of the Slovak part at the General Czechoslovak
Exhibition in Prague. In 1991 he and director Blaho Uhlár founded
the Stoka Theatre – a non-state fringe-oriented theatre presenting only
authorial productions. In 2000, Nora Nosterská and he established the Corpus
Association which focuses on conducting of alternative artistic projects. He is the
author of various monumental architectural works. His works have been exhibited
in London, Moscow, Budapest, Prague and other cities and are in the collection of
the Slovak National Gallery, International Museum of the Warhol Family in
Medzilaborce and in various private collections. He is an author and co-author of many theatre plays, many of which he also directed. Five of his experimental projects from 1995 – 2004 were published under
the title Extract (2004) and other six of his plays (Apatia, Perón, Život na mieru,
Záverečná, Au Revoir) were published in the collection named
Šesť scenárov (Six Scripts) (2007). He prepared various experimental projects,
he created theatre manifestoes where he claimed the principles
of decompozition, hypomanias, spasmatic creating, supersubjectivism and antitraditionalism.
From 1991he has been working as a freelance artist in the sphere of architecture, sculpture-making, multi-media projects, theatre and literature.
theatre plays