Kerata Laco

He graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava where he studied theatre
directing. In 1991, together with Blaho Uhlár and Miloš Karásek, he established
the Stoka Theatre – a non-conformist alternative theatre where he worked as an actor,
director and author. With the theatre he visited many theatre festivals – with the
play Impasse they won the Main Jury Prize in Périgueux, France (1994), and with Eo
Ipso they took part at the Bonner Biennale in 1996. In 2002 he established the MED Theatre
Association within which he has presented his work, even though most of the
productions are the results of collective and individual improvisations. He
also participates in the sphere of literature – he has published books of poetry
Hriešny spánok (Sinful Sleeping) (1991), Prišiel som, videl som… (I came, I saw…)
(2000), book of short stories Mám sa... (I Feel... ) (2004), the novel Zlý herec (A Bad Actor) (2009) and a collection of radio plays named Rádiové hry (Radio Plays) (1999) in which he presented texts of plays: Na hladine (On the Surface), Chrobáci v škatul i(Beatles in a Box), Do teplých krajín (Into Warm Countries), Kvapky (Drops).
(All of these plays were recorded by Slovak Radio, the Beatles in a Box was staged at the AHA Theatre in Prague, Czech Republic.) The above-mentioned plays represent the type of “universal” plays whose thick
dramatic basis can be produced on stage. He has also regularly co-operated with
amateur ensembles. He works as an actor, radio and dubbing director, screenwriter and playwright. In 2008 he received PhD. in dramaturgy at the VŠVU. Since 2006 he has worked as a dramaturg and since 2008 as a director in Slovak Radio.
theatre plays