Krúpová Adriana

A graduate from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, having specialised in acting, Ms Krúpová is currently an actress at the State Theatre in Košice. She is also an author, particularly focusing on radio plays: Game for Two [Hra pre dvoch], Heda, Cecilka on Sunday [Cecilka na nedeľu], Naďa, The Poll [Anketa], The Boy Next Door [Chlapec od vedľa], Monika, Inheritance [Dedičstvo] and many others. She is the laureate of a number of the Slovak Radio and Television (RTVS) awards and those by the Slovak Literary Fund. She has also won a range of radio play festivals. Her most successful plays featured in Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic. As screenwriter, she collaborates with RTVS on the production of radio series Bachelors [Bakalári] based on real life stories as supplied by general public.
Her television adaptation of the Game for Two was broadcasted by the Slovak Television in 1997.
In 1993, her novel with autobiographical features Sore Spots [Boľavé miesta] won the Slovak Literary Fund prize. In 2007, her story Happy Go Lucky [Keď sa darí, tak sa darí] was published in the collection of short stories for children Angel in Tall Grass [Anjelik vo vysokej tráve].
In 1998, she wrote the play The Last Amazon [Posledná Amazonka]. It was staged at the State Theatre in Košice and at the Jonáš Záborský Theatre. The production then featured at the 1999 International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra.
In 2009, the Small Stage of the State Theatre in Košice featured her successful comedy Dating Site [Zoznamka], and then presented it internationally. In the 2011/2012 season, the play was staged by the Serbian amateur theatre NOVÁ SCÉNA in Padina, which also took it to different festivals in Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic. In 2017, the play premièred at the Vertigo Slovak Theatre in Budapest.
As part of the project of the Theatre Institute in Bratislava, EU Through the Eyes of Drama / Odes or Farces [EÚ očami drámy/Ódy či frašky], Ms Krúpová wrote the play It Still Can Be Saved [Ešte sa to dá zachrániť]. Since 2018 it is in the repertoire of the Small Stage of the State Theatre in Košice.