Alexová Gabriela

Originally from Poprad, Ms Alexová was first high school teacher and then taught at an elementary art school. Disheartened by the pity state of the school system, she took up work for the Slovak Radio as contract author and editor. She longed to write a radio sitcom and a show for “little furious readers” that promoted reading and good literature for children. As screenwriter she currently writes television series, having also experimented writing a wild soap opera and a comedy family series. She is also dialogue editor, storyliner, editor and headwriter. Her passion for televised series comes from her female family line. All her female relatives are into televised series. As Gabriela was about to be born, her kind mother kept delaying going to maternity ward until the last moment, only to watch the latest series Vivat, Beňovský!
Ms Alexová wrote her first poem at the age of twelve in the summer garden after the rain. The poem was mediocre, though the author moved herself to tears and experienced the joy of writing. She eventually parted with writing poetry as she came to believe that there was nothing more interesting than a well-constructed story. A few years later, she was equally struck by the power of a well-built plot. She has published in anthologies as part of the short-story competitions Poviedka 2006 and Poviedka 2007. The latter brought her third place for the short story Full Stop after the Summer [Bodka za letom]. Ms Alexová made her debut with the novel Threesome [Trojka; Slovart, 2009] that was nominated for the Ján Johanides Award. Her stage texts Tiny Popcorn at Night [Drobný popkorn v noci; 2009] and Loosers [Lúzri; 2011] won the New Drama festival competition and the Slovak Radio Award. For the Pôtoň Theatre, she wrote a stage text Woman as a Woman [Žena ako žena] about the status of women in Slovak literature.
Ms Alexová spent most of her life in Northern Slovakia, on the foot of the Tatra mountains until. At the age of forty, she relocated to the picturesque region of Záhorie in south-western Slovakia. In her free time, she devotes herself to delicate cultivation of her children, garden, husband and four cats.

Foto © Gabriela Alexová Green love
Ms Alexová wrote her first poem at the age of twelve in the summer garden after the rain. The poem was mediocre, though the author moved herself to tears and experienced the joy of writing. She eventually parted with writing poetry as she came to believe that there was nothing more interesting than a well-constructed story. A few years later, she was equally struck by the power of a well-built plot. She has published in anthologies as part of the short-story competitions Poviedka 2006 and Poviedka 2007. The latter brought her third place for the short story Full Stop after the Summer [Bodka za letom]. Ms Alexová made her debut with the novel Threesome [Trojka; Slovart, 2009] that was nominated for the Ján Johanides Award. Her stage texts Tiny Popcorn at Night [Drobný popkorn v noci; 2009] and Loosers [Lúzri; 2011] won the New Drama festival competition and the Slovak Radio Award. For the Pôtoň Theatre, she wrote a stage text Woman as a Woman [Žena ako žena] about the status of women in Slovak literature.
Ms Alexová spent most of her life in Northern Slovakia, on the foot of the Tatra mountains until. At the age of forty, she relocated to the picturesque region of Záhorie in south-western Slovakia. In her free time, she devotes herself to delicate cultivation of her children, garden, husband and four cats.

Foto © Gabriela Alexová Green love
theatre play