Forgács Miklós
Playwright, dramaturge and director, Mr Forgács studied stage directing at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava under the tutelage of Ľubomír Vajdička. He is a bilingual author, writing in Hungarian and Slovak. His radio plays Those Expectant [Tí samodruhí] and The Beast Bar [Beštia bar] were broadcast by the Slovak Radio. His monodrama Potat(a)o featured within the Middentity project at the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra. The director Iveta Ditte Jurčová staged his play The Land of Unscythed Meadows [Krajina nepokosených lúk], written under the pen-name Mikuláš Hoblina Šahanský, at the Pôtoň Theatre. Its radio adaptation, also directed by Ms Ditte Jurčová, was recorded by the Slovak Radio. As dramaturge, Mr Forgács is currently with the Thalia Theatre in Košice. He staged his play You Are a Traitor, Halász! [Si zradca, Halász!] based on the Lajos Grendel eponymous short story with the Košice-based alternative group, Teatrovás. Commissioned by the City Theatre in Žilina, he wrote the infernal psycho-farce The Toothless [Bezzubatá], directed by Eduard Kudláč and performed in Žilina within the season HEY! SLOVAKS [HEY! SLOVÁCI]. At his home stage in Košice, in collaboration with the composer Bél Faragó, he wrote a libretto for Today You Are Going Nowhere Anymore (I'll say it with a song) - opera, operetta, oratory, interactive theatre [Dnes už nikam nejdeš (poviem to piesňou) – opera, opereta, oratórium, interaktívne divadlo] based on the concept and theme by József Czajlik. Together with his brother András Forgács, he created their own production – a concert Chuk and Gek – Excursion: Father [Čuk a Gek – Exkurzia: otec] in the city of Levice. Mr Forgács also translates plays by contemporary Slovak authors (Zuzana Ferenczová, Anton Medowits, Michaela Zakuťanská, Tomáš Horváth) into Hungarian.

Foto © Miklós Forgács Viridi umbra – Fecundum murum

Foto © Miklós Forgács Viridi umbra – Fecundum murum
theatre play