Civáňová Slavka

Having completed cultural studies at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava in 2003, Ms Civáňová received her PhD in aesthetics at the Faculty of Arts of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra in 2012.
From 2003 to 2017, she was manager and dramaturge of off-programme vents and coordinator of educational programmes at the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra. She also worked at the Primary Art School in Zlaté Moravce, and the National Culture Centre in Bratislava, The Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra, at the Municipal Office in Nitra and at the Cap à l’Est Festival – Journey to the East in Banská Štiavnica. Since February 2017, she lectures in dramaturgy and is project manager at the Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra. She previously taught project management, drama analysis, interpretation of theatrical work, aesthetics of dramatic art at the Departments of Cultural Studies and Aesthetics at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra and at the Private Conservatory in Nitra.
Ms Civáňová is also co-author of a number of publications: The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra – 70 [Divadlo Andreja Bagara v Nitre – 70], František Perger – Life With the Stage [František Perger – život so scénou], Practical Aesthetics 10 [Praktická estetika 10], On the Interpretation of Stage Work [O interpretácii dramatického diela], Legends of Great Moravia [Legendy veľkomoravské].
Ms Civáňová specialises in informal learning in theatre, dramaturgy, authorial stage works and culture management. She is the author of several art projects implemented for the city of Nitra. In addition to The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, she also collaborated with the New Stage [Nová scéna] Theatre in Bratislava and the Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra. As author of the text and dramaturge, she participated, together with the director Peter Oravec, on the productions of productions: Bayaya [Bajaja; New Stage Theatre, Bratislava, 2013], No Unauthorised Entry [Nepovolaným vstup zakázaný; The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, 2016], The Wizard of Oz [Čarodejník z krajiny OZ; The Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra, 2017], Troy [Trója; The Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra, 2019], The Prince and the Evening Star [Princ a Večernica; Nová scéna Bratislava Theatre, 2012], The Shop on Main Street [Obchod na korze; Nová scéna Bratislava Theatre, 2014], Shakespeare in Love [Zaľúbený Shakespeare; The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, 2017]. She also collaborated as an author and dramaturge on the edu-play Hoax [The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, 2018].

Foto © Slávka Civáňová Raise the anchors!
From 2003 to 2017, she was manager and dramaturge of off-programme vents and coordinator of educational programmes at the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra. She also worked at the Primary Art School in Zlaté Moravce, and the National Culture Centre in Bratislava, The Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra, at the Municipal Office in Nitra and at the Cap à l’Est Festival – Journey to the East in Banská Štiavnica. Since February 2017, she lectures in dramaturgy and is project manager at the Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra. She previously taught project management, drama analysis, interpretation of theatrical work, aesthetics of dramatic art at the Departments of Cultural Studies and Aesthetics at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra and at the Private Conservatory in Nitra.
Ms Civáňová is also co-author of a number of publications: The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra – 70 [Divadlo Andreja Bagara v Nitre – 70], František Perger – Life With the Stage [František Perger – život so scénou], Practical Aesthetics 10 [Praktická estetika 10], On the Interpretation of Stage Work [O interpretácii dramatického diela], Legends of Great Moravia [Legendy veľkomoravské].
Ms Civáňová specialises in informal learning in theatre, dramaturgy, authorial stage works and culture management. She is the author of several art projects implemented for the city of Nitra. In addition to The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, she also collaborated with the New Stage [Nová scéna] Theatre in Bratislava and the Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra. As author of the text and dramaturge, she participated, together with the director Peter Oravec, on the productions of productions: Bayaya [Bajaja; New Stage Theatre, Bratislava, 2013], No Unauthorised Entry [Nepovolaným vstup zakázaný; The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, 2016], The Wizard of Oz [Čarodejník z krajiny OZ; The Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra, 2017], Troy [Trója; The Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra, 2019], The Prince and the Evening Star [Princ a Večernica; Nová scéna Bratislava Theatre, 2012], The Shop on Main Street [Obchod na korze; Nová scéna Bratislava Theatre, 2014], Shakespeare in Love [Zaľúbený Shakespeare; The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, 2017]. She also collaborated as an author and dramaturge on the edu-play Hoax [The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, 2018].

Foto © Slávka Civáňová Raise the anchors!
theatre play