Chovanec Samuel

Having first studied geography in regional development at the University of Prešov, Mr Chovanec completed master's degree in stage directing at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. In his second undergraduate year at the Academy, he was on Erasmus + in Lithuania at the Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akadija, where he made a production based on a Hans Runesson photograph A women hitting a neo-nazi with her handbag. His final undergraduate project was the production based on Edward Albee's Coast. At the time he also staged Jon Fosse's I Am the Wind and Bluebeard by Dea Loher. In the 2015 DRAMA competition, he scored third with his play Being Me Being You [Byť mnou byť vami], and in the 2016 edition he was again third with HUMANS OF LATE CAPITALISM. He staged Being Me to Be by You together with other theatre makers and artists as part of his residency at the Pôtoň Theatre. While there, the group decided to establish an independent theatre group Asfd divadlo ašttnnkorazd fildj. In 2017, he staged his play Mars X on which he worked, together with artists from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, on an intermedia concept using such technologies as Motion Capture, Live cinema or Depth scanning. Mr Procházka currently focuses on learning activities in performing arts. In addition to working on productions, he convenes workshops and seminars related to theatre.

Foto © Samuel Chovanec Symmachomai

Foto © Samuel Chovanec Symmachomai
theatre play