Poliščák Dušan

Born in Košice, the capital of the East (Slovakia), Mr Poliščák graduated from the Hotel Academy in his home city and the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Department of Stage Directing and Dramaturgy. While at the Academy, he directed Pirandello's Grip [Zovretie], and collaborated on the dramaturgy of the production of Through the Keyhole [Kľúčovou dierkou]. He completed his studies with the dramatisation of the Leonid Andreyev short story The Mind [Myseľ].
Mr Poliščák launched his career by started working with amateur theatre makers and took part in the DRAMA competition with the text Thou Who Art Without Sin! [Kto si bez viny!]. He also wrote the play Willow Grove [Vŕbový háj] that was published within the Theatre Institute project EU through the Eyes of Drama / Odes or Farces. He currently works in Bratislava at the Theatre Institute as a PR manager and executive director of the New Drama festival.

Foto © Dušan Poliščák Forest in the city – city in the forest
Mr Poliščák launched his career by started working with amateur theatre makers and took part in the DRAMA competition with the text Thou Who Art Without Sin! [Kto si bez viny!]. He also wrote the play Willow Grove [Vŕbový háj] that was published within the Theatre Institute project EU through the Eyes of Drama / Odes or Farces. He currently works in Bratislava at the Theatre Institute as a PR manager and executive director of the New Drama festival.

Foto © Dušan Poliščák Forest in the city – city in the forest
theatre play