Kovalyk Uršuľa

A graduate from the Department of Social Work at the University of Trnava, Ms Kovalyk worked in the iconic Artforum bookstore in Košice. She was also a counsellor for victims of violence against women. In 2004, she moved to Bratislava and founded the Theatre with No Home [Divadlo bez domova]. The cast comprises people without home and those physically challenged. Ms Kovalyk is with her theatre until the present day.
She is authors of a number of fiction books Unfaithful Women Hate Eggs [Neverné ženy neznášajú vajíčka; ZZŽ Aspekt, 2002], Travesty Show [Travesty šou; ZZŽ Aspekt, 2004], The Second-Hand Woman [Žena zo sekáča; ZZŽ Aspekt, 2008], The Equestrienne [Krasojazdkyňa; Theatre with No Home, 2013], and Pure Animal [Čisté zviera; Theatre with No Home, 2018]. Her fiction was translated into English, Czech, Hungarian, Hindi, French, Slovenian, and Arabic. The Equestrienne earned her the 2014 Bibliotéka Award.
Ms Kovalyk is also a playwright. Her stage works include, inter alia, The Poppy Seed Spinstern [Maková panna; Divadlo Pôtoň, Bátovce, 2005, directed by Iveta Ditte Jurčová], The Thing [Vec], Squat, Day of the Dead [Deň mŕtvych], Octagon [Oktagon], The Miracle Child [Zázračné dieťa]. Some of those were staged by the Theatre with No Home. She also held staged readings of her books Show Rider and Mrs Clementine's Library [Knižnica pani Klementíny].
She is the author of radio plays Draft [Prievan], A Gift from Brazil [Darček z Brazílie], Gothic Summer [Gotické leto], and Aunty [Tetula] that were broadcast on the Slovak Radio (RTVS).

Foto © Uršuľa Kovalyk Tigmonastia
She is authors of a number of fiction books Unfaithful Women Hate Eggs [Neverné ženy neznášajú vajíčka; ZZŽ Aspekt, 2002], Travesty Show [Travesty šou; ZZŽ Aspekt, 2004], The Second-Hand Woman [Žena zo sekáča; ZZŽ Aspekt, 2008], The Equestrienne [Krasojazdkyňa; Theatre with No Home, 2013], and Pure Animal [Čisté zviera; Theatre with No Home, 2018]. Her fiction was translated into English, Czech, Hungarian, Hindi, French, Slovenian, and Arabic. The Equestrienne earned her the 2014 Bibliotéka Award.
Ms Kovalyk is also a playwright. Her stage works include, inter alia, The Poppy Seed Spinstern [Maková panna; Divadlo Pôtoň, Bátovce, 2005, directed by Iveta Ditte Jurčová], The Thing [Vec], Squat, Day of the Dead [Deň mŕtvych], Octagon [Oktagon], The Miracle Child [Zázračné dieťa]. Some of those were staged by the Theatre with No Home. She also held staged readings of her books Show Rider and Mrs Clementine's Library [Knižnica pani Klementíny].
She is the author of radio plays Draft [Prievan], A Gift from Brazil [Darček z Brazílie], Gothic Summer [Gotické leto], and Aunty [Tetula] that were broadcast on the Slovak Radio (RTVS).

Foto © Uršuľa Kovalyk Tigmonastia
theatre play