Weiss Pavol

After graduating from the high school, Mr Weiss worked as a driver, assistant driver and boiler room operator. Between 1985 and 1990, he studied screenwriting and dramaturgy at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.
During his studies, he won prizes for short stories in the literary competitions Jašíkova Turzovka and Wolkrova Polianka, published in the magazine Romboid, the daily Smena na nedeľu, made radio adaptation of Sartre's The Wall, Gorky's Mother, and wrote the television fairy tale Kingdom of Puddles [Kráľovstvo kaluží] for the Slovak Television (now Slovak Radio and Television – RTVS).
Pavol Weiss made his debut in 2003 with the novel Let's Live, Then We Shall See [Žime, potom uvidíme; L.C.A. KK Bagala, 2003].
In 2004 he published the short story Revenge [Pomsta; L.C.A. KK Bagala, 2004], in 2006 the generational novel Three Friends [Traja priatelia; Slovart, 2006] and later a collection of short stories Time to Leave for a Moment [Treba na chvíľu odísť; Slovart, 2011]. He has published children's books The Mysterious Mill in the Carpathians [Tajomný mlyn v Karpatoch; Slovart, 2016] and The Mysterious Mill in the Carpathians – Turkish Treasure [Tajomný mlyn v Karpatoch – Turecký poklad; Slovart, 2017].
He made his theatre debut with the bitter comedy Girlfriends [Priateľky; Astorka KORZO Theatre’90, 2006, directed by Roman Polák]. He was among the finalists in the 2006 DRAMA competition with the play Bajmann Brothers. It was staged the following year by the Astorka KORZO Theatre’90. Mr Weiss published the play Threat [Ohrozenie] in the collection of stage plays Sarcophagi and ATMs [Sarkofágy a bankomaty; Divadelný ústav, 2011]. With his bitter comedy El Dorado he participated in the project Ode or Farce [Ódy či frašky; Divadelný ústav, 2015].
With his play From the Life of Mankind [Zo život ľudstva], he participated, to high acclaim, in the 2013 DRAMA competition. The play, directed by Dino Mustafić, was staged in the Slovak National Theatre. Mr Weiss has currently committed himself to fine art. Together with his wife he runs the White & Weiss Contemporary Art Gallery.

Foto © Pavol Weiss Shepherding the geese
During his studies, he won prizes for short stories in the literary competitions Jašíkova Turzovka and Wolkrova Polianka, published in the magazine Romboid, the daily Smena na nedeľu, made radio adaptation of Sartre's The Wall, Gorky's Mother, and wrote the television fairy tale Kingdom of Puddles [Kráľovstvo kaluží] for the Slovak Television (now Slovak Radio and Television – RTVS).
Pavol Weiss made his debut in 2003 with the novel Let's Live, Then We Shall See [Žime, potom uvidíme; L.C.A. KK Bagala, 2003].
In 2004 he published the short story Revenge [Pomsta; L.C.A. KK Bagala, 2004], in 2006 the generational novel Three Friends [Traja priatelia; Slovart, 2006] and later a collection of short stories Time to Leave for a Moment [Treba na chvíľu odísť; Slovart, 2011]. He has published children's books The Mysterious Mill in the Carpathians [Tajomný mlyn v Karpatoch; Slovart, 2016] and The Mysterious Mill in the Carpathians – Turkish Treasure [Tajomný mlyn v Karpatoch – Turecký poklad; Slovart, 2017].
He made his theatre debut with the bitter comedy Girlfriends [Priateľky; Astorka KORZO Theatre’90, 2006, directed by Roman Polák]. He was among the finalists in the 2006 DRAMA competition with the play Bajmann Brothers. It was staged the following year by the Astorka KORZO Theatre’90. Mr Weiss published the play Threat [Ohrozenie] in the collection of stage plays Sarcophagi and ATMs [Sarkofágy a bankomaty; Divadelný ústav, 2011]. With his bitter comedy El Dorado he participated in the project Ode or Farce [Ódy či frašky; Divadelný ústav, 2015].
With his play From the Life of Mankind [Zo život ľudstva], he participated, to high acclaim, in the 2013 DRAMA competition. The play, directed by Dino Mustafić, was staged in the Slovak National Theatre. Mr Weiss has currently committed himself to fine art. Together with his wife he runs the White & Weiss Contemporary Art Gallery.

Foto © Pavol Weiss Shepherding the geese
theatre play